Know the Child's Education Plan
TWRTC will ensure that the school knows the child's education plan, if whether or not the child has an Individual Education Plan(IEP) for special education, behavior, and/or speech classes? TWRTC will not sign an IEP, only the child's birth parent or an Education Advocate can sign IEP's or make any changes to the plan. Things to keep in mind:
TWRTC will ensure that the school knows the child's education plan, if whether or not the child has an Individual Education Plan(IEP) for special education, behavior, and/or speech classes? TWRTC will not sign an IEP, only the child's birth parent or an Education Advocate can sign IEP's or make any changes to the plan. Things to keep in mind:
- TWRTC Administrator will attend parent teacher meetings and conferences.
- TWRTC Administrator will sign permission slips for field trips.
- Based on the child's treatment plan will determine if the child can sign up to play sports. If so, TWRTC Administrator will get a release from the child's doctor allowing you to sign for such activities.
- TWRTC will allow the child's birth parents to attend conferences if the birth parents are allowed to be around their child. This would be a great way to mentor a birth family by modeling how to act at conferences, ask questions, and advocate for a child. If birth parents are not allowed to attend meetings with TWRTC, TWRTC Administrator will ensure that the information from the meeting is shared with the parents.