- Profile of Youth Served: Residents served may possess one or more of the following
Clients from all racial and socioeconomic backgrounds
- Behavior or Conduct Disorder
- Emotional Disturbance
- Family Related Needs
- Learning Disability
- Poor Academic Performance
- Physical/Emotional Abuse/Neglect
- Runaway
- Sexually Abused
- A need for foster care services.
- A need for special education services (ED/LD). Delinquent/Court Involvement
- A history of crimes against property (theft, burglary, and vandalism).
- A limited history of crimes against persons (assaults and threats).
- A history of experimenting with or using illegal substances (detox and inpatient services not offered)
- Not a high security risk (physical restraint is utilized only when less intrusive intervention is unsuccessful or in situations where a resident's personal safety or that of other residents or staff is threatened).
- Full scale IQ of 70 and above.
- Males with a history of sexual offending will be considered based on the following criteria:
- Applicant must have successfully completed a residential or outpatient treatment program.
- Applicant must have a recent risk assessment determining that must state the applicant falls within the low to moderate range for re-offense.
Exclusionary Criteria: children that meet the following criteria may not be admitted to or
retained at TWRTC:
- Requires intensive mental health “treatment” such as offered by a DMHMRSAS licensed mental health facility versus follow-up care provided by a “step down” facility
- FSIQ Score below 70
- Actively psychotic
- Actively suicidal or homicidal
- History of fire setting (Reviewed on a case by case basis to assess degree of current risk. If applicant is deemed to pose an excessive risk, admission would be denied.)
- History of sexual offenses (convicted) without meeting the above criteria for treatment and assessment.
- Primary treatment need is substance abuseResidents served may possess one or more of the following criteria:
- Applicant must have successfully completed a residential or outpatient treatment program.
- Applicant must have a recent risk assessment determining that must state the applicant falls within the low to moderate range for re-offense.